Rooted in God's love, we lead people to Christ

Experience Alexis!
Get to know more about what makes us different.
Come and experience Alexis Baptist Church for yourself. On Sundays, we gather, engage with the Biblical message, worship, and connect together. We even have kid programs for your infants through 5th graders!
If you are new to church, you'll feel right at home.
SUNDAYS | 9AM Sunday School | 10:15AM Worship ServiceWEDNESDAYS | 6:30PM Bible Study
If you are new to church, you'll feel right at home.
SUNDAYS | 9AM Sunday School | 10:15AM Worship ServiceWEDNESDAYS | 6:30PM Bible Study
Western NC Disaster Relief
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, Western North Carolina is in urgent need of assistance. Alexis is partnering with the NC Baptist Convention and Samaritan's Purse to provide aid to affected communities.
Latest Sermon
Every Sunday we meet for worship and learn from God's word. Click on the picture to the left to listen to the latest sermon or click the button below to browse previous sermons.